Willow Creek Fire Heber-Kamas Ranger District
The #WillowCreekfire continues to burn in heavy timber and thick understory and is approximately 453 acres, lightning caused. The fire is located north of Highway 40 and Strawberry Reservoir on the Heber-Kamas Ranger District. There are no threats to structures, powerlines, etc. Resources on the fire are 3 engines, one 20 person Type 1 Hotshot crew, one 20 person IA crew and one helicopter. Total personnel on the fire is 85. The Fire is being managed to reduce hazardous fuel loading, regenerate aspen growth, minimize fire effects in Critical Sage Grouse habitat, and firefighter and public safety. Starting June 11, 2018 Bjorkman Hollow road will be closed along with an area closure North of Highway 40, west of Co-op Creek road, south of Bjorkman Hollow road and east of Strawberry River road. This area will be closed for public and firefighter safety.