Pole Canyon Fire Information – August 11, 2018

Dense smoke rising above a forested mountain

Column from firing operations

Fire crews continued their burning operations on the north east portion of the fire. This has resulted in increased acreage being reported, with smoke from the fire being visible from various locations and communities in the area.

Today, firefighters plan to monitor the fire area, with no further ignitions scheduled.

Today’s weather is forecast to be hot, with low humidity and potential outflow winds from any thunder cells.

The Pole Canyon Fire is being managed under a confine and monitor suppression strategy to provide an opportunity for fire to return to its role on the ecosystem. In doing so, management actions will be used to reduce forest fuels, enhance aspen, and improving forest health and resiliency.

As with all fires the number one objective in managing the Pole Canyon Fire is to provide for public and firefighter safety.


Current Situation

Start date: 7/27/2018

Cause: Lightning

Location: 10 miles north east of Loa Utah

Size: 360 acres

Fire Behavior: Active; creeping, running

Contained or Completed: 0 percent

Fuels: Timber (litter and understory)

Closures: An Area, Road and Trail closure has been implemented for the fire area. The order is available on the Forest web site at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd590851.pdf

Total Resources: 20

Information on the fire may be found on InciWeb (https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/6119/ ) and Utah Fire Info (http://utahfireinfobox.com/ )

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